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Nominate your Stallion today!


The Deadline for Nominations is March 1, 2023


Dear Northwest Breeders,


Here is a great opportunity to showcase, not only yours stallions, but also your wonderful broodmares and breeding program. This Sweepstakes is open to anyone that would like a chance to showcase their stallions and their outstanding program, join in the fun at the show, and show off your Yearlings in the Sweepstakes Class and WIN some money. The more that participate, the more money in the purse. This will be a 100% payback class. So all monies in the pot will be paid out to the top 10 foals in the class. Foals will not only receive their share of the money, they will also receive a beautiful ribbon, through 10th place.  The first place foal will also receive a special (donated) award.

For more information - contact Syndi Kanzler (509) 949-4622  | email: 

Here is how it works

  • Stallions would be nominated into the program as a lifetime “Sweepstakes Nominated Sire”. (no sustaining fees).   A certificate will be sent to owners.

  • Lifetime nomination fee is 200.00.

  • Resulting foals would be eligible to be nominated either in utero, as a weanling or yearling, prior to close of entries for the NWMHSPA Show, and would show back in the annual Sweepstakes Yearling Halter Class. Class will be held at the Annual NWMHSPA Show.

  • Foal nomination fee of $50.00. Due prior to the close of entries at the NWMHSPA Show.

  • All foal nomination fees will go into a pot with a 100% CASH PAY BACK to the TOP TEN nominated foals.

  • Stallions nominated will be posted on our website and our FB page to promote nominated stallions.

  • There is no restriction on the number of foals that can be nominated, the more foals the bigger the pot.

  • Mare owners also have the opportunity to contact stallion owners regarding breeding opportunities. These mare owners will also have the opportunity to nominate the resulting foals and participate in the Annual Yearling Sweepstakes.

  • There will be two divisions, ASPC and AMHR: Those foals that have dual registered parents may participate in both Sweepstakes, but owners must nominate into both Sweepstakes and must pay the nomination for both divisions, so $50.00 for AMHR and $50.00 for ASPC. There will be no cross over.

  • This class will not be pointed, nor recognized through ASPC/AMHR

  • This is a Yearling Sweepstakes Class with 100% payback, so foal will not be sustained. Each breeding year new foals will be nominated for the Annual Yearling Sweepstakes Class.​

  • We are going to have a great time in the NW, promoting our outstanding stallions. Many of our breeders in the NW have outstanding stallions that have impeccable bloodlines and amazing accomplishments. Be a part of the fun and nominate your stallion for the NWMHSPA Stallion Sweepstakes.



CNC's White Lightning Rox

ASPC/AMHR Black & White Pinto Stallion


Soundview's Smoken

2011 ASPC Pinto Stallion

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Wa-Full Unique Knight Kall

2016 ASPC/AMHR Bay Stallion


Irish Hills Waterloo Sunset

AMHR Perlino Stallion


Soundview's Carson City

2010 ASPC Bay & White Tobiano Pinto Stallion

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Establo Chippendale

2008 ASPC/AMHR Silver Dapple Pinto Stallion

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Erica's Rock My World

2009 ASPC/AMHR Buckskin Stallion

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Sundance LB Monte Carlo

2015 ASPC/AMHR Chestnut Pinto Stallion


Shine On O.K. - HOF

2007 ASPC/AMHR Black Stallion


Miown Expensive Hobby Toy

AMHR/PtHA Bay & White Overo Pinto Stallion


Martins Sky's Meadow Lark

2010 ASPC/AMHR/PtHA Black & White Tobiano Pinto Stallion

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Rhapsody's Impressive Heir - HOF

2011 ASPC/AMHR Chestnut Pinto Stallion

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Cherryville Majic's Houdini

2015 ASPC/AMHR Black Pinto Stallion

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